By: Gabriel Patel

A great deal of fuss is made about the quality of the sleep you get each night. Scientists claim that the secret to getting good sleep lies in your ability to develop good habits surrounding bedtime, and that if you are having trouble falling asleep, it is solely due to your consumption of coffee and alcohol, use of electronics, or lack of a regular sleeping schedule. However, while these habits do affect your sleep, one of the most important factors that can improve your ability to fall and stay asleep is the quality of your mattress. They can also affect your health in general! Here are some of the key ways your mattress may be affecting your health and sleeping habits.
Pain and older mattresses
First, older mattresses can start to cause you pain. There are two major types of pain and discomfort your mattress can cause, depending on the age of your mattress and how it has worn down. If your mattress is relatively evenly worn on all sides, then you probably have experienced general discomfort and soreness upon waking up in the morning. This is because your mattress is offering very little actual support, preventing your body from being properly aligned when you sleep. The more severe form of pain is due to significant amounts of wear in one particular area that causes pressure points to form on your body. Sleeping on a worn mattress is bad for your health, as it can lead to constant aches and pains throughout the day. It also reduces the overall quality of your sleep – without a good night of sleep, it is difficult to wake up feeling refreshed and energized.
Bedroom design
The state of your bedroom could be impacting your sleep, and a few changes could make it more conducive to rest. For starters, you can remove any tech from the bedroom, including your TV and laptop. If your room is on the messy side, you can make it a more relaxing spot by getting rid of any clutter. Finally, instead of overly bright lights, look for softer colors that can make for a calmer space.
Exhaustion and your sleep habits
If your older mattress is causing you pain or discomfort, you probably are not getting the sleep you need. Additionally, what sleep you do manage to get is most likely of poor quality. One night of poor-quality sleep can have adverse effects on your stamina, comfort, and general happiness the next day, but making poor-quality sleep a habit over many nights can lead to a state of constant exhaustion.
How you sleep can also affect your ability to fall asleep – for instance, you may be likely to snore if you sleep on your back. You may not be aware that your preferred sleep position also affects your skin. For instance, side sleeping is one of the most common sleep positions, but can be bad for your skin – the repeated pressure on your face can lead to uneven wrinkles. Sleeping on your stomach puts even more pressure on your face; however, if you sleep on your back, you experience no pressure other than gravity. As such, back sleeping is the best for your skin’s health.
Sickness and the age of your mattress
Finally, your mattress can also affect your health. Over time, even the best-maintained mattresses collect dirt, debris, mold, and microorganisms that can lead to colds, quasi-allergy symptoms, and other illnesses. Prolonged exposure can also weaken your immunity in general. You can help prevent that by changing your sheets every week and by vacuuming your mattress every few months to keep it in the best condition possible.
We spend a large percentage of our lives asleep, so it is important that our mattress be of the best quality possible. If you are experiencing pain, discomfort, exhaustion, or sickness, it may be time for you to consider upgrading your mattress.
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