Men and Homelessness Issues

At greatest risk of homelessness

estimated 88% of the homeless population in London is male

Men are at the greatest risk of homelessness. Experts estimate that 88% of the homeless population in London are male. Many areas where the male gender is a risk factor often fail to consider the experience of being male. Instead, the focus is usually on other vulnerable groups, such as minority ethnic groups, women, migrant workers, and others. People rarely consider men in these discussions, despite the significant risk they face in homelessness.

In a survey carried out by Crisis in the UK the reasons for homelessness most often cited by female participants were physical or mental health problems and escaping a violent relationship. For male participants these were relationship breakdown, substance misuse, and leaving an institution (prison, care, hospital etc.). The high rates of mental health problems and substance misuse in indigenous homeless populations seem to be associated with childhoods spent in care, experiences of sexual abuse and other traumatic life experiences. 

The social housing conundrum

Social housing in the UK remains limited, and authorities prioritize vulnerable groups and families with children. High levels of poverty, unemployment, and lack of housing often leave many people without a home. Society often considers men the least vulnerable of all groups. Whilst homeless women may be more vulnerable than men, homeless men are also vulnerable.

​No one mentions that women should receive housing priority over men, which makes it hard to understand why the rates are so much higher for men. The principles of the Birkenhead Drill which states that in life threatening situations women and children should be saved first seems of relevance here. Rescuers first applied this to sinking ships (HMS Birkenhead) and used it effectively during the sinking of the HMS Titanic, saving 74% of the women on board but only 20% of the men.