Forty percent of men in the UK experience noticeable hair loss by their mid-30s. Despite widespread bald heads, the thought of thinning hair is difficult for many men. While hair loss treatment is an option, there are other ways to circumvent the insecurities that accompany androgenic alopecia.
Hit the gym from home
When you’re dealing with hair loss, you may be more prone to notice other men in ways you never did before. The iron-pumping 25-year-old with the full beard and long locks can make you wish you hadn’t come to the gym. The caveat here is that taking an interest in your health can improve your self-esteem and self-image. That’s where a few pieces of workout equipment (or a whole home gym if your budget allows) come into play. HomeAdvisor’s guide to home gym equipment outlines a number of pieces, many of which fit into small spaces, such as a garage or guest room.
Invest in a new wardrobe
Clothing has an undeniable effect on your self-image, as Inc. Contributing Editor Jeff Hayden explains, and can greatly change how you feel about yourself. The right clothes can make you feel confident and secure, which may help offset your negative feelings toward your hair loss. Look at your wardrobe and pick out a few key pieces that make you feel strong, poised and comfortable in your own skin and treat yourself to a few new similar pieces. This could be anything from a certain brand of jeans to a tailored suit. Whatever makes you feel good should make up the bulk of your closet.
Stop comparing yourself to other men
Remember the hypothetical mid-20s lumberjack from the gym a few paragraphs ago? He isn’t the only man who threatens your masculinity, at least in your head. Once you begin to notice your altered appearance, you will be more acutely aware of how others look, especially men your own age or who remind you of yourself in earlier times. Try to avoid this, as comparing yourself to others is a habitually negative habit that does nothing to enhance your quality of life. Psychology Today explains that negative social comparisons can cause – or compound — stress and anxiety. We also only compare to those who have what we do not rather than those who do not have what we do.
Remember, age brings changes
Even The Telegraph’s Tom Fordy has expressed concerns over his thinning hair. He admits that, as a man, hair loss makes him feel less attractive and that’s a common if unspoken issue among aging men. It’s also a reason why some men in the 40+ crowd wind up with a 20-something girlfriend a paycheck less alimony and child support. But what most men don’t understand is that women don’t typically care about men’s hair. Women notice plenty of other changes that come along with age: stability, even temperament, refined sense of humor, intelligence. These things are more important than looks and far outrank your hair.
Consider a new ‘do
You probably haven’t change your hairstyle since you were a teenager. But your thinning hair, or even your bald spot, gives you an opportunity to alter your appearance in a way that might even be more flattering for your facial structure. Men’s Health suggests a buzz cut or high and tight style for shorter hair and a short crop or mop top if you have longer, fuller yet thinning hair.
Whether you’re working toward reclaiming your health, focusing on other aspects of your appearance, or simply seeking reassurance from your partner, you can overcome the emotional turmoil that comes with this visible sign of aging. You’ll do well for yourself to keep in mind that you are not defined by the number of hairs upon your head. You are the sum of your actions and those who love you won’t care what you’ve got up top as long as your heart stays whole.